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Chinese translation for "dinner party"


Related Translations:
dinner:  n.正餐,(现通例指)晚餐;午[晚]宴,宴会。 ★英美中级以下人家通例叫午餐为 dinner,中级以上人家则叫晚餐为 dinner. ask sb. to dinner 请某人吃饭。 give a dinner 举办午[晚]宴。 at dinner 吃着饭。 early dinner 中饭。 late dinner 晚饭。 after dinner , mustard 饭后
fork dinner:  [luncheon] (食物都已切好,只须用叉即可进食的)叉餐。
dinner coat:  [jacket] 〔英国〕男子无尾晚礼服〔美国叫 tuxedo〕。
dinner knife:  餐刀。
dinner time:  正餐时间。
house dinner:  (俱乐部等为会员举办的)晚宴。
dinner service:  [set] 成套餐具。
plate dinner:  〔美国〕全部菜都盛在一个盘子里的正餐。
dinner dress:  一种半正式的妇女餐服〔通常有袖或短外衣〕。
dinner fork:  (通常有四个叉齿的)大桌叉。
Example Sentences:
1.We shall give a dinner party for her tomorrow evening .
2.We shall give a dinner party for you tomorrow evening .
3.She has a big dinner party .
4.He is therefore forgiven , if late for a dinner party .
5.She gives dinner parties in style, with the best food and wine .
6.I am giving a dinner party next friday evening ; would you like to come ?
7.Friends say she used to be a difficult person to invite to a dinner party .
8.I know when i was a bride i used to be all of a tremble when i went to dinner parties .
9.After going to the workshops , we hope you will honor us with your presence at the dinner party tomorrow evening .
10.The prominent personage among the guests at the dinner party i found to be mr. murthwaite .
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